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Maddi Rundle

Nothing that is yours will pass you by...

An interview with past Pure Love member, Nikki Alexander, Yoga Instructor and Energy Practitioner

Do you ever feel like there must be more?

Do you ever feel lost? Confused? Frustrated?

Do you ever feel like there's got to be another way?

After running a New Year workshop, entitled Pure Love: Your Path to Sadhana, for a number of years, it was clear there was a desire for more!

There was an overwhelming yearning from students wanting to dive deeper, learn more, and take the process into their own hands! Pure Love is an exploration of the Self and evolved from a simple three hour workshop that set people on a path; a path they wanted to explore more.

This is a journey that moves with you to create sustainable change in your life.

I believe it is our duty to do our Self-work.

I also believe that Self-exploration is a deep form of Self-care and Self-care is the gateway drug to Self-Love!

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have more clarity? More ease? More peace?

Have you ever wished you could move through the world in a different way?

Are you a seeker? A dreamer? A believer? Do you wish you were?

Have you lost your way? Or feel like you've taken a wrong turn? 

Trust me... you're exactly where you're meant to be.

This is an exploration. It's an offering. It's a response to what I've heard from friends, family, clients and complete strangers wanting to take back control of their lives. It's what I personally needed to completely shift the direction my life was going in.

This program will give you insights and awareness about yourself that no one could ever give you! It's a way for you to step into your power! No matter where you are on your path, this exploration is designed to meet you exactly where you are.

Moving with the cycle of the seasons, the elements, the moon and the chakras, you'll get grounded - building a strong foundation that is safe and supportive, so that you may begin your journey, however that may unfold, uniquely for you!

There are 12 Modules that run from January to December. This slow burn approach offers you time to assimilate all your learning so that you may cultivate sustainable change. Each module has a set of videos and meditations that you can uncover on your own time. The journey will be unique to each individual and you will forge your own path. This program can be revisited year after year and will allow you uncover something new each and every time.

A testimonial with Nikki Alexander:

*Transcription below...

Q: How did you come to Pure Love?

A: I came to PL through the angels. I met Maddi through one of my other trainnings and when she offered this course, I signed up as quickly as I could. I knew Maddi personally and professionally and I knew that she has wisdom I didn't have yet and I knew that her energy was something that was relatable at that point in my life.

Q: What was Pure Love (PL) for you?

A: It was a friend once a month. I re-listened to some of the recordings, moments of them over the weekend and it took me back to that feeling of "oh there's a friend. A kindred spirit and not just the teacher Maddi, but that energetic, you can feel the energy circle of like-minded people. I can't remember exactly where I was mentally emotionally spiritual at that time, and sometimes this course was where I could most be myself. I'd go back to the recordings and the lessons over and over again and I'd know even in moment of deep distress or sadness or joy that these lessons would help. Even certain sayings like, "let it come up, let it move on"... I use it all the time in my work, personally and professionally. That one saying embodies what PL was for me and continues to do for me and the people around me.

Q: Could you feel these shifts through the program or is it upon reflection?

A: Both. It was exciting to look back even now and see it's all still there! What was great, was that I wasn't new to this work and I still felt so many shifts that happened throughout this program!

Q: Could you speak to the online platform because you were skeptical at first.

A: I was hesitant. I wondered about the value and if this would be something that would work for me. I was astounded at how intimate it was for me and how supported I felt even through a screen. It works! There are so many downsides to technology, but this for me, was an eye opening experience that there are so many gifts here!

Q: A year feels crazy to most people - how did you feel about a year commitment?

A: I remember at the time thinking that is too long, I wished it was 6 months at the time and just kept thinking how long that is. You can leave it - if it's not your month. It's always there! I think it's interesting to look back and ask myself why would the commitment of a year seem so long and why was it difficult to give myself that kind of an opportunity. Would I have liked it better if it were over in 6 months? No. There's too much sacredness there. It is exactly what it needs to be!

Q: It's going against all that we are currently being fed - instant gratification, 6 week fixes, here's the magic pill - all the more reason to gift yourself the year!

A: Gift - yes! It is a gift to yourself! It was hard at times for me and it was okay because if I couldn't give 100% it was still enough! Every month was different and it worked perfectly.

Q: Does the format serve everyone? Could you jump in and out or do a deep dive? Did it allow for many different ways to approach doing this program?

A: Yes. I'm a really linear person. I like start to finish so I appreciated that. I loved at the end of each module I had a sneak peek at what was to come. Loved that I could print out the writing prompts. I'm a word person, and I found the writing to be onerous at times but I gave myself permission to say that and not do it! Loved seeing you on the videos and I still have the meditations on my phone that I still use years later! It's such a resource.

Q: Who would you recommend this course?

A: Everyone. Anyone who has a flicker. If you see the light in someone or you feel that flicker in themselves even if they don't know what the hell that means... Anyone who has that inkling there might be a little bit more to what they're doing everyday.

Q: What would you say to those on the fence?

A: I would ask what they're afraid of and it's okay to be on the fence! It's okay to be on the fence. Nothing that is yours will pass you by. Check in with yourself. What's the resistance? Is it the money? Is it not for you ? Too busy? Check in. Why are you resisting it, and also call Maddi and have a conversation!

Q: Yes, you can book a call to check in and see if it feels right!

A: People don't have to worry about "doing the right thing". Wherever you end up with this, it is exactly what is supposed to happen! If you're supposed to be in the circle at this time, you will be.

Q: When is the right time to do this course?

A: There is no wrong time. I think it'd be exciting for anyone on the path or if it's a brand new path! It's great for seasoned people or beginners.

Q: What surprised you or stood out to you most about this course?

A: The intimacy that was possible. The intimacy and safety and the opening that was possible through a computer screen.

If you're ready for true transformation - I want to chat! I KNOW that whomever is meant to be in this year's program will be there. If you're the slightest bit interested...

BOOK A CALL. Let's chat. Sign up. Do what you need to do to make sure you're a part of this transformative year ahead!

With love + support,


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